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Preparedness for consecutive disasters

11 Jan 2022

Consulting services in the era of multi-hazards

Recently, multiple disasters like typhoons, heavy rains, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and heavy snow have been occurring within the same calendar year and even in the same region. As climate change gets more severe, heavy rains and other extreme events become more frequent, which increases the probability of occurrence of multiple simultaneous hazardous events (multi-hazards).

For this reason, the consideration of multi-hazards is a must in consulting services.

We conducted research focused on multi-hazards, is to build scenarios, predict and estimate damage, advance risk assessment technology, and ultimately develop new technology that combines existing and more advanced techniques.

Damage increases proportionally to the occurrence of multiple disasters. After a disaster, the damaged area is weakened, allowing the damaged area to expand, or the damage to becomemore severe with a second disaster.

Thus, the consideration of multi-hazards needs to include the following:

  • A disaster-damaged area becomes vulnerable. A second disaster may expand the damaged area and/or aggravate the damage.

  • Need for increase of recovery resources, complications in the response, and longer recovery period.

  • Post-disaster preparedness for a second one.

Example of process for multi-hazard analysis

As effects of ESG (environmental, social, governance) investment, it is expected a medium- to longterm positive impact on real estate value due to pre-disaster preparedness, assurance of regional safety, and stabilization of the investment environment by uncertainty-free standardized information disclosures, among others. For example, it will be possible to provide private companies information

that contributes to safe allocation of large-scale facilities and factories considering different types of disasters and the required safety measures.

In addition, in order to limit the deterioration of facility operations and quality of life as much as possible, it will be possible to provide information that contributes to disaster response, such as realtime damage prediction.

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